Friday, May 24, 2019

the brotherhood of steel

on January 7th 2077 a group of soldiers was assigned to a newly formed meriposa military base in California. the were there to over see an unknown project. that summer the team figured out what was going on in mariposa. there were prisoners of war kept and used to test the forced evolutionary virus. the F.E.V was made to create a race of genetically superior people, instead it resulted in terrible mutations and awful creatures. this lead to the breakdown and suicide of the bases commanding officer. without out any leader the men turned to commander Roger Maxon. Maxon started interrogations on the scientists he was sent to protect. he was horrified at what they had done. he then executed them for there crimes against humanity. on October 20 he declared he would leave the american military. this would set in motion the creation of the brotherhood of steel. after the bombs dropped Maxon led his men away from meriposa. they took all the supplies and weaponry they could carry. in the brotherhoods history books this point in time was called the exodus. they would spend years fighting their way through the wastes. eventually they came across lost hills, a government fallout shelter that had went unused. over the next few decades Maxon built up the brotherhood and formed a sort of internal government. when Maxon died in 2135 his son Maxon the second took control of the brotherhood as high elder. under new leadership the brotherhood expanded their influence throughout america. by 2155 the brotherhood came across a raider group named the vipers. these men were wiped out shortly but due to his overconfidence Maxon the second was killed. Rodgers son john was appointed high elder. despite the lost of high elder maxon this allowed the surrounding area to trade with the brotherhood. in 2161 the brotherhood first layed their eyes on a supermutant. a creature made from the F.E.V. this horrified the brotherhood an they grew crazy in their goal to destroy these mutants. the following year the vault dweller arrived at lost hills. they gave him an impossible task. to their surprise he completed the task and then informed them of the master. the master is terrible man who used his army of supermutants to try to make every human  a mutant. they along with the vault dweller destroyed the master and scattered their army. there began to be people who belived the brotherhood should share their tech. these people where sent out to differernt parts of the wastes. they then came across a new enemy, the enclave. the enclave was later destroyed by a new hero named the chosen one. this ended all threats to the brotherhood. by 2231 the brotherhood tried expanding throughout america even more which eventually lead to hem being hated by the new california republic. on the east coast they fought against the remnants of the enclave and eventually relocated their h.q to a place called the Citidel in Washington dc. form this a group of members lead by Arthur Maxon headed out to the commonwealth to fight against a new threat the institute.

fallout 4

in 2077 on the day the bombs dropped you the sole survivor are spending the day with your spouse and son, Sean. well enjoying the day you here an emergency alert on the TV. the man says that china has launched nukes towards america luckily you just singed up to your local vault, vault 111. you run towards the vault as people try getting in they are denied but they let you and multiple other families in. they bring you in and they tell you to enter a cleaning bay. they lied the bay is really a cryo pod and youve been frozen for an unknown amount of time. you wake up and see a man point a gun at your spouse the man kills them and then takes your child. your refrozen. you wake up to see your dead spouse you exit the vault and see that the world is in disarray. you go too your town and find your mister handy robot who tells you its been 200 years since he last saw you. its now 2287 your only goal is to find your son. during your search efforts you find that theres a war brewing between the brotherhood of steel and the mysterious institute. you eventually find your son in the holds of the institute. from here on out its your choice to side with the brotherhood or institute. you decide who wins this war.

fallout new vegas

 its 2281 just over 200 years since the great war. you the courier are kidnapped while doing a simple delivery. the man that kidnapped you is named Benny he says something about  platinum chip and then he shoots you in the head. after this you wake in a small town named good springs. the doctor there removed the bullet from your head and saved your life. after some time spent in good springs helping the locals you go on your way to New Vegas;to find Benny and get some good old fashioned revenge. on your search for Benny you piece together that there are multiple different factions all fighting for hover dam Nevadas greatest water source. from there its your choice to help who you see fit win the war of hover dam.

fallout 3

in 2227 you the lone wanderer are born in vault 101. everything is all good until in 2246 when your dad mysteriously leaves the vault you the brave 19 year old vault dweller leave the vault to go see where your dad has gone. on your adventures you find out that your dad was a key scientist on project purity. purity was supposed to purify the waters in Wasington dc. eventually you are caught up in a battle between the brotherhood of steel and the enclave, both groups want control of project purity. you eventually destroy the enclave and help the brotherhood of steel purify the waters.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

fallout 2

fallout 2 takes place many a year after fallout 1 in 2241. you are the vault dwellers grandson, the chosen one you're after the GECK for your tribe the arroyos. the only thing between you and the GECK is the Enclave (the last remnants of the US government). by the end of fallout 2 the chosen one eventually defeats the Enclave and kicks them out of California.

fallout 1

 fallout 1 is the second earliest game in the series. it takes place in 2161. this year marked the opening of vault 13. the reason the vault was opened is because the water chip for the vault has been broken.  you the vault dweller must leave to find the water chip for your home.  you exit the vault in the radiated wastes of California. eventually you find the water chip but not without any turmoil. it has been two years and you been adventuring and exploring all of Californias wastes. you can choose what different people and factions you side with along the way. at the end of your journey you bring the chip back to the vault. and then your kicked out by the overseer for no reason what so ever.

fallout 76

fallout 76 is the earliest game in the series taking place only 25 years after the GREAT WAR. its reclamation day! you and the citizens of vault 76 are let out to rebuild America. you find out that after the last party your the only one left in the vault you take your pip-boy (a highly advanced wrist computer) and leave the vault. once you've left the vault your tasked to learn where the overseer has gone. as you adventure through West Virginias wastes you find out that everyone is either dead or gone its your goal to find out what forces did this to the survivors of West Virginia.

lore in general

in 1945 the world started to rely more on nuclear power then the real world. in fact the world of fallout entirely runs on nuclear energy. the nuclear power allowed them to build robots and ultra futuristic vehicles. even the TVs and refrigerators were nuclear. with all this nuclear power the world  no longer evolved the same way it did here; the people of fallout never invented the transistor which means that complex computers as we know them couldn't exist. along with a stop in technology there was a stop in social growth as nuclear power was unlocked the world was stunted in the 1950's. The first half of the 2000's allowed for the birth of some of the more important brands in fallout lore like ROBCO, general atomics, wonderglue and nuka cola. in 2052 the earth started to use all of its resources including all types of fuel. this caused a major war between most countries. this war was called the resource war. entire nations went bankrupt due to lack of resources and Europe invaded the middle east due to the amount of resources they had. china and the US had one of the biggest wars about an underwater oil field; the US eventually won but at a large cost, an area in Alaska named anchorage was one of the most important areas that was almost lost to the Chinese. many died on anchorage defending it against the Chinese forces. this event started a war between America and china. while this was happening the united nations collapsed setting in motion the GREAT WAR. in 2077 there were multiple vaults made by different companies due to the threat of total nuclear annihilation; most importantly of witch was Vault Tec. the US and china continued fighting ferociously until, October 27 2077 the most important time in fallout lore. this was the day china declared nuclear war on America. this in turn made it so that all countries with nuclear weapons launched them in the following day. the nukes that china launched landed in New York and Pennsylvania first, then DC and Boston.  the world is a very different place after these events every where is crawling with radiation. people are being tested on in the Vault Tec vaults and the people outside of the vaults are even worse off as they have to deal with earlier stronger versions of the mutated enemies you see in game. zombie like creatures known as ghouls start popping up in train stations and in abandoned buildings. the world is now an extremely different place all for you to play.

the brotherhood of steel

on January 7th 2077 a group of soldiers was assigned to a newly formed meriposa military base in California. the were there to over see an u...