Friday, May 24, 2019

fallout 4

in 2077 on the day the bombs dropped you the sole survivor are spending the day with your spouse and son, Sean. well enjoying the day you here an emergency alert on the TV. the man says that china has launched nukes towards america luckily you just singed up to your local vault, vault 111. you run towards the vault as people try getting in they are denied but they let you and multiple other families in. they bring you in and they tell you to enter a cleaning bay. they lied the bay is really a cryo pod and youve been frozen for an unknown amount of time. you wake up and see a man point a gun at your spouse the man kills them and then takes your child. your refrozen. you wake up to see your dead spouse you exit the vault and see that the world is in disarray. you go too your town and find your mister handy robot who tells you its been 200 years since he last saw you. its now 2287 your only goal is to find your son. during your search efforts you find that theres a war brewing between the brotherhood of steel and the mysterious institute. you eventually find your son in the holds of the institute. from here on out its your choice to side with the brotherhood or institute. you decide who wins this war.

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the brotherhood of steel

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