Thursday, May 23, 2019

lore in general

in 1945 the world started to rely more on nuclear power then the real world. in fact the world of fallout entirely runs on nuclear energy. the nuclear power allowed them to build robots and ultra futuristic vehicles. even the TVs and refrigerators were nuclear. with all this nuclear power the world  no longer evolved the same way it did here; the people of fallout never invented the transistor which means that complex computers as we know them couldn't exist. along with a stop in technology there was a stop in social growth as nuclear power was unlocked the world was stunted in the 1950's. The first half of the 2000's allowed for the birth of some of the more important brands in fallout lore like ROBCO, general atomics, wonderglue and nuka cola. in 2052 the earth started to use all of its resources including all types of fuel. this caused a major war between most countries. this war was called the resource war. entire nations went bankrupt due to lack of resources and Europe invaded the middle east due to the amount of resources they had. china and the US had one of the biggest wars about an underwater oil field; the US eventually won but at a large cost, an area in Alaska named anchorage was one of the most important areas that was almost lost to the Chinese. many died on anchorage defending it against the Chinese forces. this event started a war between America and china. while this was happening the united nations collapsed setting in motion the GREAT WAR. in 2077 there were multiple vaults made by different companies due to the threat of total nuclear annihilation; most importantly of witch was Vault Tec. the US and china continued fighting ferociously until, October 27 2077 the most important time in fallout lore. this was the day china declared nuclear war on America. this in turn made it so that all countries with nuclear weapons launched them in the following day. the nukes that china launched landed in New York and Pennsylvania first, then DC and Boston.  the world is a very different place after these events every where is crawling with radiation. people are being tested on in the Vault Tec vaults and the people outside of the vaults are even worse off as they have to deal with earlier stronger versions of the mutated enemies you see in game. zombie like creatures known as ghouls start popping up in train stations and in abandoned buildings. the world is now an extremely different place all for you to play.

1 comment:

  1. Wow very interesting, this has information i did not even know about


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